Leveraging North Carolina’s Assets to Prevent Child Trauma
MARK YOUR CALENDARS and plan to join us for the statewide Summit, “Leveraging North Carolina’s Assets to Prevent Child Trauma”.
Momentum is growing in North Carolina for building trauma-informed systems that strengthen resilience and weed out systemic and often intergenerational sources of child trauma. Installing multilevel solution-based strategies into mindsets, practices, and policies is essential to the health, development, and wellbeing of NC's most important asset―our children.
It is critical that community-research-policy partnerships are forged to promote the widespread adoption of science-based strategies and encourage a transformational shift from a reactive to a preventative approach. To meet this moment, the Summit will stimulate dialogue between community stakeholders and members, researchers, practitioners, clinicians, and legislators and agency officials.
We will open with a virtual roundtable the evening of April 26th, where community representatives, clinicians, researchers, and agency officials define trauma through their own lens and begin discussing their approach to its prevention. The next two days—April 27-28th—the Summit take place both online and at the McKimmon Conference and Training Center at NC State University.
Stay tuned for more details and please contact us with any questions!
Diana “Denni” Fishbein, PhD, FRONTIER Director dfishbein@unc.edu
Melissa Clepper-Faith, MD, MPH, FRONTIER Research Program and Policy Coordinator mclepperfaith@unc.edu
This event is part of the Carolina Seminar Series, UNC. Contributors include: The Duke Endowment, Child Trust, HopeStar Foundation, K.B. Reynolds Trust, Prevent Child Abuse North Carolina (PCANC), Campaign for Trauma Informed Policy and Practice (CTIPP), and the National Prevention Science Coalition to Improve Lives (NPSC).